Dr. Lew Will Guide You in Your Opioid Addiction Recovery

Together with Dr. Lew, you will create a plan to guide you in your addiction recovery journey.
He will help support you with a medically assisted plan (MAP). Based in Houston, Texas, Dr. Lew offers appointments both in-office and telehealth.

Dr. Lew Is a Family Physician You Can Trust

Dr. Lew is a board-certified family physician with more than 25 years of experience. His focus is helping individuals with opioid use disorders by creating an individualized plan. Dr. Lew uses a medically‑assisted plan (MAP) for treatment using suboxone.

Work together with Dr. Lew

Dr. Lew works on creating a strong partnership with each of his patients. Through a collaborative approach, an individualized plan is created to meet specific needs.

Treating opioid addiction

Dr. Lew provides a safe space for you to discuss opioid addiction. He is dedicated to ensuring a private,
confidential and comfortable environment.

Contact Dr. Lew Today

Let Dr. Lew work with you to create a personalized medically assisted plan (MAP) to treat your opioid addiction. Contact Dr. Lew today for more information about how he can work with you to achieve success.